A total eclipse of the Moon occurs on Sunday 12 June, 2253 UT, with maximum eclipse at 14:47 UT. A dramatic total eclipse lasting 1 hour and 38 minutes will plunge the full Moon into deep darkness, as it passes right through the centre of the Earth's umbral shadow. While the visual effect of a total eclipse is variable, the Moon may be stained a deep orange or red colour at maximum eclipse. This will be a great spectacle for everyone who sees it. The partial eclipse will last for 3 hours and 35 minutes in total.

The penumbral eclipse lasts for 5 hours and 27 minutes. The partial eclipse lasts for 3 hours and 35 minutes. The total eclipse lasts for 1 hour and 38 minutes. Maximum eclipse is at 14:47:31 UT.

During this eclipse the Moon will be just 2 days before perigee, making it fairly large. At maximum eclipse it will be 0.552° in apparent diameter, which is 4.0% larger than average. The statistics page has information on the ranges of the sizes of the Sun and Moon, and the Moon data page displays detailed information on the Moon's key dates.

Interactive Map

This map shows the visibility of the eclipse at maximum eclipse, when it will be visible within the bright area on the map. Note that the map is approximate, and if you are near the edge of the area of visibility, the moon will be very close to the horizon and may not be practically visible.

You can use the zoom controls to zoom in and out, and pan to see areas of interest. The green marker in the centre shows where the Moon will be directly overhead at maximum eclipse.

The interactive map is currently not available.

Overview Map

This map sourced from NASA Goddard Space flight Center: GSFC Eclipse Web SiteGSFC Eclipse Web Site
The primary source of all the information on eclipses presented here at Hermit Eclipse. (NASA Goddard Space flight Center)
shows the visibility of the eclipse. (Click on it for the full-sized version.)

Eclipse Season and Saros Series

This eclipse season contains 2 eclipses:

This is the 40th eclipse in lunar Saros series 134.The surrounding eclipses in this Saros series are:

This Saros series, lunar Saros series 134, is linked to solar Saros series 141. The nearest partner eclipses in that series are:

Eclipse Parameters

UT Date/time (max) 14:47:31 on 12 Jun UT TDT Date/time (max) 14:57:11 on 12 Jun TDT
Saros Series 134 Number in Series 40
Penumbral Magnitiude 2.6195 Central Magnitiude 1.652
Gamma -0.121 Path Width (km)
Delta T 9m40s Error ± 6m47s (95%)
Penumbral Duration 5h27m Partial Duration 3h35m
Total Duration 1h38m
Partial Rating Total Rating
Sun Distance 151826272 km (97.9%) Moon Distance 366802 km (20.7%)
Sun Diameter 0.525° Moon Diameter 0.543° - 0.552°
Apogee 23:39 on 2 Jun UT Perigee 21:08 on 14 Jun UT

Note that while all dates and times on this site (except where noted) are in UT, which is within a second of civil time, the dates and times shown in NASA's eclipse listingsGSFC Eclipse Web Site
The primary source of all the information on eclipses presented here at Hermit Eclipse. (NASA Goddard Space flight Center)
are in the TDT timescale.

The Sun and Moon distances are shown in km, and as a percentage of their minimum - maximum distances; hence 0% is the closest possible (Earth's perihelion, or the Moon's closest possible perigee) and 100% is the farthest (aphelion, the farthest apogee). The statistics page has information on the ranges of sizes of the Sun and Moon, and the Moon data page displays detailed information on the Moon's key dates.

Data last updated: 2015-06-21 22:11:47 UTC.