This catalog has a page for every eclipse from 2000 BC to 3000 AD, 23,962 in all, shown in groups of 20 years at a time. You can go to any eclipse by selecting the milennium, century and 20-year period from the navigation tabs above; then click on an eclipse's date in the list below to to go its page.

You can see the solar or lunar eclipses separately by clicking "Solar Eclipses" or "Lunar Eclipses" in the top-right tabs.

All Eclipses, 0440–0421 BC

Note that eclipse dates are specified relative to UT. You have not selected a timezone for eclipse timings, so all times are shown in UT (essentially GMT).
2 Feb, 0440 BC
max: 01:45 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.43; Saros 36)
The Earth's shadow on the moon was clearly visible in this eclipse, with 43% of the Moon in shadow; the partial eclipse lasted for 2 hours and 20 minutes.
16 Feb, 0440 BC
max: 02:37 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.96; Saros 62)
The Sun was 96% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 4 minutes and 4 seconds and covering a broad path up to 186 km wide.
28 Jul, 0440 BC
max: 03:52 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.27; Saros 41)
The Earth's shadow on the moon was clearly visible in this eclipse, with 27% of the Moon in shadow; the partial eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 55 minutes.
12 Aug, 0440 BC
max: 16:59 UT
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.00; Saros 67)
A fleeting hybrid eclipse covered a narrow path at most 11 km wide and lasted for a brief 13 seconds at the point of maximum eclipse.
6 Jan, 0439 BC
max: 23:32 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.12; Saros 34)
With only 12% of the Sun covered at maximum eclipse, this was a very marginal eclipse at best, and rather uninteresting.
22 Jan, 0439 BC
max: 09:46 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.68; Saros 46)
A dramatic total eclipse lasting 1 hour and 42 minutes plunged the full Moon into deep darkness, as it passed right through the centre of the Earth's umbral shadow. While the visual effect of a total eclipse is variable, the Moon may have been stained a deep orange or red colour at maximum eclipse. This was a great spectacle for everyone who saw it. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 49 minutes in total.
5 Feb, 0439 BC
max: 10:50 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.56; Saros 72)
A moderate partial eclipse, with 56% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, created an interesting spectacle.
3 Jul, 0439 BC
max: 08:30 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.11; Saros 39)
With only 11% of the Sun covered at maximum eclipse, this was a very marginal eclipse at best, and rather uninteresting.
17 Jul, 0439 BC
max: 18:01 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.71; Saros 51)
A dramatic total eclipse lasting 1 hour and 38 minutes plunged the full Moon into deep darkness, as it passed right through the centre of the Earth's umbral shadow. While the visual effect of a total eclipse is variable, the Moon may have been stained a deep orange or red colour at maximum eclipse. This was a great spectacle for everyone who saw it. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 32 minutes in total.
1 Aug, 0439 BC
max: 23:20 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.35; Saros 77)
A small partial eclipse barely darkened the Sun. With just 35% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, this was of limited interest.
27 Dec, 0439 BC
max: 14:59 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.04; Saros 44)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 3 minutes and 40 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a broad path up to 227 km wide.
11 Jan, 0438 BC
max: 10:45 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.65; Saros 56)
The Moon was strikingly shadowed in this deep partial eclipse which lasted 3 hours and 1 minute, with 65% of the Moon in darkness at maximum.
22 Jun, 0438 BC
max: 09:06 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.95; Saros 49)
The Sun was 95% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 5 minutes and 53 seconds and covering a very broad path, 258 km wide at maximum.
7 Jul, 0438 BC
max: 11:05 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.72; Saros 61)
The Moon was strikingly shadowed in this deep partial eclipse which lasted 2 hours and 47 minutes, with 72% of the Moon in darkness at maximum.
17 Dec, 0438 BC
max: 05:52 UT
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.02; Saros 54)
The Sun was darkened for 1 minute and 45 seconds by a dramatic hybrid eclipse covering a narrow path at most 60 km wide. This was a sight worth seeing.
31 Dec, 0438 BC
max: 10:25 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.52; Saros 66)
This very subtle penumbral eclipse was essentially invisible to the naked eye; though it lasted 3 hours and 32 minutes, just 52% of the Moon's disc was in partial shadow (with no part of it in complete shadow).
27 May, 0437 BC
max: 16:52 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.65; Saros 33)
This subtle penumbral eclipse may have been visible to a skilled observer at maximum eclipse. 65% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth (none of it was in total shadow), which caused a gentle shadow gradient across its disc at maximum; the eclipse as a whole lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes.
10 Jun, 0437 BC
max: 14:20 UT
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.00; Saros 59)
A fleeting hybrid eclipse covered a narrow path at most 15 km wide and lasted for just 27 seconds at the point of maximum eclipse.
26 Jun, 0437 BC
max: 02:24 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.26; Saros 71)
This very subtle penumbral eclipse was essentially invisible to the naked eye; though it lasted 2 hours and 19 minutes, just 26% of the Moon's disc was in partial shadow (with no part of it in complete shadow).
20 Nov, 0437 BC
max: 02:36 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.20; Saros 38)
At maximum eclipse, a small bite out of the Moon should have been visible. The eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 37 minutes, with just 20% of the Moon in shadow at maximum.
5 Dec, 0437 BC
max: 15:38 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.96; Saros 64)
The Sun was 96% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 3 minutes and 32 seconds and covering a broad path up to 187 km wide.
16 May, 0436 BC
max: 22:41 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.97; Saros 43)
The Moon was almost covered by the Earth's shadow in a very deep partial eclipse, which lasted 3 hours and 27 minutes. With 97% of the Moon in shadow at maximum eclipse, this was quite a memorable event.
31 May, 0436 BC
max: 02:47 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.05; Saros 69)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 3 minutes and 7 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a very broad path, 291 km wide at maximum.
9 Nov, 0436 BC
max: 17:08 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.48; Saros 48)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 28 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 48% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 26 minutes in total.
24 Nov, 0436 BC
max: 18:03 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.44; Saros 74)
A small partial eclipse barely darkened the Sun. With just 44% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, this was of limited interest.
21 Apr, 0435 BC
max: 12:52 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.06; Saros 41)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 3 minutes and 29 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a very broad path, 1017 km wide at maximum.
5 May, 0435 BC
max: 23:28 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.28; Saros 53)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 20 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 28% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 45 minutes in total.
20 May, 0435 BC
max: 19:36 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.03; Saros 79)
With only 3% of the Sun covered at maximum eclipse, this was a very marginal eclipse at best, and rather uninteresting.
14 Oct, 0435 BC
max: 23:12 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.89; Saros 46)
This was a deep partial eclipse, with 89% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center. This provided a significant spectacle for those who saw it.
30 Oct, 0435 BC
max: 08:38 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.02; Saros 58)
The Moon barely edged into total eclipse for 22 minutes and 6 seconds. With the Moon just 2% of its diameter into the Earth's umbral shadow, the Moon may have been quite bright, but even so, this should have been worth seeing. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 10 minutes in total.
11 Apr, 0434 BC
max: 03:30 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.02; Saros 51)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 2 minutes and 7 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a path up to 81 km wide.
25 Apr, 0434 BC
max: 02:23 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.96; Saros 63)
At maximum eclipse, 96% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth, which caused a slight shadow gradient across its disc; this subtle effect may have been visible to careful observers. No part of the Moon was in complete shadow. The eclipse lasted 4 hours and 27 minutes overall.
4 Oct, 0434 BC
max: 06:26 UT
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.00; Saros 56)
A fleeting hybrid eclipse covered only a tiny path, just 9 km wide and lasted for a brief 14 seconds at the point of maximum eclipse.
19 Oct, 0434 BC
max: 20:26 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.68; Saros 68)
This subtle penumbral eclipse may have been visible to a skilled observer at maximum eclipse. 68% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth (none of it was in total shadow), which caused a gentle shadow gradient across its disc at maximum; the eclipse as a whole lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes.
15 Mar, 0433 BC
max: 03:31 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.28; Saros 35)
The Earth's shadow on the moon was clearly visible in this eclipse, with 28% of the Moon in shadow; the partial eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 52 minutes.
30 Mar, 0433 BC
max: 11:35 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.96; Saros 61)
The Sun was 96% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 3 minutes and 27 seconds and covering a path up to 147 km wide.
8 Sep, 0433 BC
max: 07:41 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 1.07; Saros 40)
In a rare total penumbral eclipse, the entire Moon was partially shaded by the Earth (though none of it was in complete shadow), and the shading across the Moon should have been quite visible at maximum eclipse. The penumbral phase lasted for 4 hours and 52 minutes in all, though for most of it, the eclipse was extremely difficult or impossible to see.
22 Sep, 0433 BC
max: 20:13 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.05; Saros 66)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 3 minutes and 57 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a broad path up to 177 km wide.
4 Mar, 0432 BC
max: 19:57 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.60; Saros 45)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 34 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 60% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 29 minutes in total.
19 Mar, 0432 BC
max: 13:00 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.47; Saros 71)
A small partial eclipse barely darkened the Sun. With just 47% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, this was of limited interest.
14 Aug, 0432 BC
max: 03:20 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.04; Saros 38)
With only 4% of the Sun covered at maximum eclipse, this was a very marginal eclipse at best, and rather uninteresting.
28 Aug, 0432 BC
max: 07:42 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.31; Saros 50)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 22 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 31% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 44 minutes in total.
12 Sep, 0432 BC
max: 12:28 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.82; Saros 76)
This was a deep partial eclipse, with 82% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center. This provided a significant spectacle for those who saw it.
6 Feb, 0431 BC
max: 23:14 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.96; Saros 43)
The Sun was 96% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 2 minutes and 30 seconds and covering a very broad path, 296 km wide at maximum.
22 Feb, 0431 BC
max: 11:22 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.82; Saros 55)
The Moon was strikingly shadowed in this deep partial eclipse which lasted 2 hours and 59 minutes, with 82% of the Moon in darkness at maximum.
3 Aug, 0431 BC
max: 14:54 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.98; Saros 48)
A large annular eclipse covered 98% of the Sun, creating a dramatic spectacle for observers in a path up to 102 km wide; it lasted 1 minute and 4 seconds at the point of maximum eclipse.
17 Aug, 0431 BC
max: 13:11 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.99; Saros 60)
The Moon was almost covered by the Earth's shadow in a very deep partial eclipse, which lasted 3 hours and 18 minutes. With 99% of the Moon in shadow at maximum eclipse, this was quite a memorable event.
13 Jan, 0430 BC
max: 05:27 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.04; Saros 27)
In this extremely marginal eclipse, the Moon barely clipped the edge of the Earth's penumbral shadow. This caused a microscopic darkening of just 4% of the Moon's disc for 1 hour and 2 minutes, which was essentially impossible to see.
27 Jan, 0430 BC
max: 09:21 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.02; Saros 53)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 2 minutes and 12 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a path up to 84 km wide.
11 Feb, 0430 BC
max: 21:17 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.41; Saros 65)
This very subtle penumbral eclipse was essentially invisible to the naked eye; though it lasted 3 hours and 3 minutes, just 41% of the Moon's disc was in partial shadow (with no part of it in complete shadow).
8 Jul, 0430 BC
max: 18:13 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.31; Saros 32)
This very subtle penumbral eclipse was essentially invisible to the naked eye; though it lasted 2 hours and 26 minutes, just 31% of the Moon's disc was in partial shadow (with no part of it in complete shadow).
23 Jul, 0430 BC
max: 19:22 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.95; Saros 58)
The Sun was 95% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 5 minutes and 48 seconds and covering a broad path up to 182 km wide.
7 Aug, 0430 BC
max: 01:55 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.70; Saros 70)
This subtle penumbral eclipse may have been visible to a skilled observer at maximum eclipse. 70% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth (none of it was in total shadow), which caused a gentle shadow gradient across its disc at maximum; the eclipse as a whole lasted 3 hours and 34 minutes.
2 Jan, 0429 BC
max: 05:12 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.15; Saros 37)
At maximum eclipse, a small bite out of the Moon should have been visible. The eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 33 minutes, with just 15% of the Moon in shadow at maximum.
17 Jan, 0429 BC
max: 00:27 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.05; Saros 63)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 4 minutes and 35 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a broad path up to 195 km wide.
27 Jun, 0429 BC
max: 11:19 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.67; Saros 42)
The Moon was strikingly shadowed in this deep partial eclipse which lasted 2 hours and 43 minutes, with 67% of the Moon in darkness at maximum.
11 Jul, 0429 BC
max: 19:44 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.95; Saros 68)
The Sun was 95% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 7 minutes and 7 seconds and covering a very broad path, 264 km wide at maximum.
7 Dec, 0429 BC
max: 04:01 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.06; Saros 35)
With only 6% of the Sun covered at maximum eclipse, this was a very marginal eclipse at best, and rather uninteresting.
21 Dec, 0429 BC
max: 05:54 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.45; Saros 47)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 32 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 45% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 44 minutes in total.
5 Jan, 0428 BC
max: 16:03 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.57; Saros 73)
A moderate partial eclipse, with 57% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, created an interesting spectacle.
1 Jun, 0428 BC
max: 12:48 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.45; Saros 40)
A small partial eclipse barely darkened the Sun. With just 45% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, this was of limited interest.
17 Jun, 0428 BC
max: 01:23 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.69; Saros 52)
A dramatic total eclipse lasting 1 hour and 41 minutes plunged the full Moon into deep darkness, as it passed right through the centre of the Earth's umbral shadow. While the visual effect of a total eclipse is variable, the Moon may have been stained a deep orange or red colour at maximum eclipse. This was a great spectacle for everyone who saw it. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 41 minutes in total.
30 Jun, 0428 BC
max: 23:25 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.31; Saros 78)
A small partial eclipse barely darkened the Sun. With just 31% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, this was of limited interest.
26 Nov, 0428 BC
max: 11:43 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.94; Saros 45)
A small annular eclipse covered only 94% of the Sun in a very broad path, 524 km wide at maximum, and lasted 4 minutes and 22 seconds.
10 Dec, 0428 BC
max: 13:22 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.94; Saros 57)
The Moon was almost covered by the Earth's shadow in a very deep partial eclipse, which lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes. With 94% of the Moon in shadow at maximum eclipse, this was quite a memorable event.
22 May, 0427 BC
max: 02:52 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.07; Saros 50)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 5 minutes and 4 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a very broad path, 255 km wide at maximum.
6 Jun, 0427 BC
max: 08:44 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.19; Saros 62)
At maximum eclipse, a small bite out of the Moon should have been visible. The eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 42 minutes, with just 19% of the Moon in shadow at maximum.
31 Oct, 0427 BC
max: 16:21 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.03; Saros 29)
In this extremely marginal eclipse, the Moon barely clipped the edge of the Earth's penumbral shadow. This caused a microscopic darkening of just 3% of the Moon's disc for 46 minutes and 12 seconds, which was essentially impossible to see.
15 Nov, 0427 BC
max: 12:28 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.92; Saros 55)
A small annular eclipse covered only 92% of the Sun in a very broad path, 324 km wide at maximum, and lasted 10 minutes and 23 seconds.
30 Nov, 0427 BC
max: 03:01 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.76; Saros 67)
This subtle penumbral eclipse may have been visible to a skilled observer at maximum eclipse. 76% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth (none of it was in total shadow), which caused a gentle shadow gradient across its disc at maximum; the eclipse as a whole lasted 3 hours and 39 minutes.
26 Apr, 0426 BC
max: 19:22 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.75; Saros 34)
This subtle penumbral eclipse may have been visible to a skilled observer at maximum eclipse. 75% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth (none of it was in total shadow), which caused a gentle shadow gradient across its disc at maximum; the eclipse as a whole lasted 4 hours and 9 minutes.
11 May, 0426 BC
max: 20:05 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.08; Saros 60)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 7 minutes and 12 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a very broad path, 260 km wide at maximum.
21 Oct, 0426 BC
max: 07:18 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.19; Saros 39)
At maximum eclipse, a small bite out of the Moon should have been visible. The eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 35 minutes, with just 19% of the Moon in shadow at maximum.
4 Nov, 0426 BC
max: 11:55 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.93; Saros 65)
A small annular eclipse covered only 93% of the Sun in a very broad path, 283 km wide at maximum, and lasted 8 minutes and 51 seconds.
14 Apr, 0425 BC
max: 23:58 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.17; Saros 44)
A shallow total eclipse saw the Moon in relative darkness for 1 hour and 2 minutes. The Moon was 17% of its diameter into the Earth's umbral shadow, and should have been significantly darkened. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 30 minutes in total.
30 Apr, 0425 BC
max: 11:47 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.97; Saros 70)
This was a deep partial eclipse, with 97% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center. This provided a significant spectacle for those who saw it.
9 Oct, 0425 BC
max: 17:23 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.40; Saros 49)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 28 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 40% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 40 minutes in total.
23 Oct, 0425 BC
max: 17:12 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.78; Saros 75)
A moderate partial eclipse, with 78% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, created an interesting spectacle.
21 Mar, 0424 BC
max: 07:54 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.94; Saros 42)
The Sun was 94% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 4 minutes and 39 seconds and covering a very broad path, 640 km wide at maximum.
4 Apr, 0424 BC
max: 11:40 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.15; Saros 54)
A shallow total eclipse saw the Moon in relative darkness for 55 minutes and 30 seconds. The Moon was 15% of its diameter into the Earth's umbral shadow, and should have been significantly darkened. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 19 minutes in total.
13 Sep, 0424 BC
max: 19:46 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.05; Saros 47)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 3 minutes and 12 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a very broad path, 399 km wide at maximum.
28 Sep, 0424 BC
max: 20:16 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.93; Saros 59)
The Moon was almost covered by the Earth's shadow in a very deep partial eclipse, which lasted 3 hours and 24 minutes. With 93% of the Moon in shadow at maximum eclipse, this was quite a memorable event.
23 Feb, 0423 BC
max: 19:46 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.16; Saros 26)
In this extremely marginal eclipse, the Moon barely clipped the edge of the Earth's penumbral shadow. This caused a microscopic darkening of just 16% of the Moon's disc for 1 hour and 46 minutes, which was essentially impossible to see.
10 Mar, 0423 BC
max: 08:16 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.94; Saros 52)
A small annular eclipse covered only 94% of the Sun in a broad path up to 239 km wide, and lasted 8 minutes and 14 seconds.
25 Mar, 0423 BC
max: 03:56 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.81; Saros 64)
At maximum eclipse, 81% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth, which caused a slight shadow gradient across its disc; this subtle effect may have been visible to careful observers. No part of the Moon was in complete shadow. The eclipse lasted 3 hours and 43 minutes overall.
3 Sep, 0423 BC
max: 11:57 UT
Total Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.05; Saros 57)
A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 4 minutes and 26 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a broad path up to 160 km wide.
17 Sep, 0423 BC
max: 19:45 UT
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
(penum. mag. 0.74; Saros 69)
This subtle penumbral eclipse may have been visible to a skilled observer at maximum eclipse. 74% of the Moon's disc was partially shaded by the Earth (none of it was in total shadow), which caused a gentle shadow gradient across its disc at maximum; the eclipse as a whole lasted 4 hours and 10 minutes.
13 Feb, 0422 BC
max: 09:57 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.37; Saros 36)
The Earth's shadow on the moon was clearly visible in this eclipse, with 37% of the Moon in shadow; the partial eclipse lasted for 2 hours and 12 minutes.
27 Feb, 0422 BC
max: 10:12 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.96; Saros 62)
The Sun was 96% covered in a moderate annular eclipse, lasting 3 minutes and 36 seconds and covering a path up to 152 km wide.
8 Aug, 0422 BC
max: 11:26 UT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.17; Saros 41)
At maximum eclipse, a small bite out of the Moon should have been visible. The eclipse lasted for 1 hour and 33 minutes, with just 17% of the Moon in shadow at maximum.
24 Aug, 0422 BC
max: 00:38 UT
Annular Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.00; Saros 67)
A large annular eclipse covered over 99% of the Sun, creating a dramatic spectacle for observers in a narrow path at most 14 km wide; it lasted just 18 seconds at the point of maximum eclipse.
18 Jan, 0421 BC
max: 08:10 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.10; Saros 34)
With only 10% of the Sun covered at maximum eclipse, this was a very marginal eclipse at best, and rather uninteresting.
2 Feb, 0421 BC
max: 17:40 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.64; Saros 46)
A dramatic total eclipse lasting 1 hour and 41 minutes plunged the full Moon into deep darkness, as it passed right through the centre of the Earth's umbral shadow. While the visual effect of a total eclipse is variable, the Moon may have been stained a deep orange or red colour at maximum eclipse. This was a great spectacle for everyone who saw it. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 49 minutes in total.
16 Feb, 0421 BC
max: 18:58 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.62; Saros 72)
A moderate partial eclipse, with 62% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, created an interesting spectacle.
28 Jul, 0421 BC
max: 01:46 UT
Total Lunar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 1.60; Saros 51)
The Moon was plunged into darkness for 1 hour and 34 minutes, in a deep total eclipse which saw the Moon 60% of its diameter inside the Earth's umbral shadow. The visual effect of this depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, but the Moon may have been stained a deep red colour. The partial eclipse lasted for 3 hours and 30 minutes in total.
12 Aug, 0421 BC
max: 06:25 UT
Partial Solar Eclipse
(umbral mag. 0.45; Saros 77)
A small partial eclipse barely darkened the Sun. With just 45% of the Sun covered for viewers closest to the center, this was of limited interest.